Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Secret to Contentment

Philippians 4:11
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (NKJV)

Being content is seemingly impossible. Being content in all circumstances is impossible for us. We live in earthly bodies that are needy. Our bodies need food, water, sleep, relationships with other people and shelter. We need at least one meal, three cups of water, family and friends, four hours of sleep and a shelter to keep us from the elements. I think of eating ten times a day, think of drinking fifteen times a day, think of shelter at least five times a day and think of relationships and sleep all day long. Many people in this world go through many months of this thought pattern, yet they don’t think of God once. I am guilty of thinking of God once during my devotions and then forgetting about Him until the next day. Which is more important for you, God or survival? Let me rephrase this; which is more important for you, eternal life with the everlasting, unconditionally loving and all present God or your temporary desires that only lasts for a fraction of time in a temporary world that will perish?
Let me take a step back for a moment. It is not wrong to think of the essential needs for our bodies, but we should prioritize our thoughts; for thoughts turn into words, and words into actions, and actions into character, and character into desires, which these desires ultimately decide if we accept God or not. If we are having trouble focusing on God and being content in our normal state of thinking then how much harder will it be to focus on Him in times of tribulation? Paul says in his letter to the church of Philippi that he has learned that in whatever state he is in, he is content. So what is the secret to contentment? We are so unsatisfied in this world because we put our happiness and contentment in temporary things that fall victim to time. In order to be satisfied and content we need to put our happiness and contentment in God. He is all powerful and everlasting. He also will continually bless those who believe in, and obey, Him.

I am going to begin to put my desires and happiness in God by making a list of 15 things that I desire and secretly think will make me happy and will give them to God.

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