Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Serving as One Part

1 Corinthians 12:14

 “For in fact the body is not one member but many” (NKJV)

As the body of Christ, we need to be unified and dependent on one another just last a human body. The human body is made up of individual parts that all make up one “whole” body. Every part has its own function and its own special role that it was created specifically for. In a human body, when one parts begins to fail the others work twice as hard so the body can continue to function and, hopefully, overcome. Our church needs to be just like this. We need to accept our function, recognize our role we have been specially made for, work without complaining when someone can’t fulfill their role and overcome the problems. But just as a body fails and needs a doctor to take care of it and guide it, so we need our Doctor to heal us, keep us upright and guide us.
When I think of this analogy, my mind goes back to when one of my friends got diagnosed with Leukemia Cancer. His body was as healthy as could be because he was young, exercising most days and was eating healthy. When he would get sick or would break a bone, he went and saw a doctor that was able to nurse him back to health. But then Cancer came; a sickness that he couldn’t overcome on his own. Leukemia Cancer isn’t just an ordinary illness, it is lethal because your own body is attacking itself. His white blood cells, the very ones that were suppose to protect him, became mutated and were destroying him from the inside out. This is what Satan is trying to do with the church. If he is able to turn the body of Christ against one another, then he will be able to sect off the church and attack the more susceptible Christians. A unified church body is impervious to Satan’s attacks, but when it becomes a house divided and weak in God then Satan can cause unimaginable destruction.

To become more unified with my church body, I am going to pick the role that nobody else wants to do during servant time and do it without complaining and do it without any mention of the other roles others have.

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