Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Serving For Others

Romans 15:1
 “We then who are strong ought to bear with scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves” (NKJV)

“We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves” (NLT)

“We who are strong” is talking not just about “strong” Christians, but all Christians. How do we know this? When I think of weakness, it brings me back to when I played soccer. We would have this drill called “a gut” where we would have to sprint around a square and every corner we had to do push-ups, sit-ups, five stars or burpies. For the first 8 laps (a quarter gut) we would joke around and encourage one another; our spirits were high and there were smiles on our faces. Once we got to 16 laps (a half gut), the jokes were very little and we only talked when it was important; for every breath counted. We finished the “gut” breathless with tears of frustration and determination in our eyes. We would crumple at the finish line, crawl over to our water bottles and chug. How does this relate? I think us in our flesh is just like when we finish the “gut”. We are selfish, weak in both body and mind, self-centered and a little bit sad/bitter. We are weak and many can’t see passed their own weakness. Everyone in this world is born into their fleshly sins. We have all “fallen short of the glory of God”, but we are offered salvation and strength through Christ. Through Christ we are strong and have resilience. We are strong, yet need to be sensitive about the things that take away from other’s strength, that way we can proclaim the Gospel and help strengthen our brothers and sisters.

To be sensitive to what makes others weak and help build strength, I am going to ask my roommate Roaren what in my daily routine I can change because it isn’t building him up.

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